“Train of Thought” is a collaboration between Brandon J. Abbott and Christine D’Epiro Abbott. Exhibited in 2022 as part of Reverie: Elham Bayati and Christine D'Epiro Abbott at Blockfort Gallery.
This piece was created by filming a variety of wooden train track configurations against a green screen background. Once the background was removed, the remaining video segments were layered on top of each other to create the composition. The movement of the trains is akin to the flurry of energy often present in creative thought; at the same time feeling both choreographed and spontaneous.

Promotional video advertising the album release for Laura Carara and the Jacob Reed Trio 2024 album, "Shades of Ellington". Filmed during one of the band’s recording sessions for the album, the video allows the viewer to join the band’s creative process while exploring the creative space of the recording studio.

Produced for Columbus Ohio based band, Fashion Week. The Super Flat video took a song from the band’s most recent album and we recorded a stripped-down performance in studio with assistance from audio producer Matt James.

In the summer of 2018, Christine D'Epiro Abbott participated in the Big Ink event hosted by Phoenix Rising Print Cooperative, celebrating their 20th birthday, where they printed a large wood cuts created by Phoenix members. This :30 second piece follows the printing of Christine D’Epiro Abbott’s wood cut and shares the energy and the excitement of the event.

This acoustic rendition of “Extravagance” by Columbus based Serpent & Dove was used to promote a new album in 2018. I provided the video production for the project as well as audio recording and mixing.

Early Music Columbus produced this feature length production as part of their virtual performance series during the COVID-19 pandemic. It blends music performance with short narrative scenes with actors portraying historic 12th Night holiday celebrations as described in the historic journal of Samuel Pepys. Filmed at Ohio Village, part of the Ohio History Center.

Shot over the summer of 2018, the goal of the 2019 West Ohio Camps promo was to show the ethos of the three camp grounds run by the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church. The video combines studio footage of kids writing letters home from camp mixed with action shots from each camp ground. For this project, I shot the footage, recorded audio, did the motion graphics, and edited the project. I paddle-boarded into the middle of a lake, taped a camera to an arrow and shot it at a target and hiked around in the early morning for sunrise time-lapses. You can’t beat that.

Sent out as a Christmas reflection from the West Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church, the idea was simple, have a worship minister sing “O’ Come, O’ Come Emmanuel” in a church building undergoing major renovation. So, I suggested we record a live performance of the song, mix the live recording, capture it on three cameras set up throughout the room, then film some b-roll of the renovation in progress to fill in the gaps. The result was this piece. A moving reflection and prayer for viewers to engage with during the holiday season.

The Community Engagement Experience is an intentional process to engage your community in meaningful conversations that lead to individual and community transformation.

Health Minutes is a video series produced in partnership with West Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church and OhioHealth. The series promotes wellness across West Ohio directed at clergy and church parishioners.

Acorn Camp is a fully accessible camp for youth and young adults with physical challenges and developmental disabilities.

Through the partnership of 36 United Methodist Churches across the Maumee Watershed District, Monroe St. United Methodist Church was able to host its first Freedom School 2017, serving over 50 children in the Toledo Ohio area.

Short North Church in Columbus Ohio gathers people together once a month for Yoga Worship or YOWO. This is part of a video series highlighting innovative ways Methodist Churches are connecting to their communities in West Ohio.
I am a filmmaker and multimedia engineer from Columbus Ohio. Currently my focus is on producing short films and providing video, audio, and motion graphics services in the Central Ohio Area. I'm married to an artist, Christine D'Epiro Abbott - Check out her stuff - which has fueled my work on the side promoting art in Columbus, whether her's, local theater or dance. I was asked once, "what is your favorite thing about producing media?" and my answer is that I simply love meeting new people. I love hearing stories and revel in the thought that I sometimes get a chance to take photos or make videos that allow them to share those stories with others, whether clients, fans, or friends.
I you have any questions or media production needs, feel free to contact me at brandon@abbottmediacollective.com.
This film explores the creative process of Dustin Clark. Dustin is a song writer and recording artist with muscular dystrophy who is constantly finding ways to adjust his creative process as he is confronted with challenges brought on by the disease. This film had its theatrical debut at the Calgary International Film Festival (Canada) in 2020. It also screened at film festivals around the globe including The International Rare Disease Film Festival (Germany), Columbus International Film Festival (USA) and was a Finalist at Uno Sguardo Raro Festival (Italy). It is currently being streamed and distributed on The Disorder Channel.